Bondage is an area that I've been into for quite a while now, but I haven't really advanced very far in it. We still seem to be doing the same kind of stuff that we did when we started out. There tends to be a bit less intimacy with bondage, and it's not very often me and my boyfriend indulge with it.
Bondage was, for a good while, something that I had had a mild interest in since I began having sex, but like alot of the different kinds of toys I want to buy, it was in too much competition with the rest of my list. In these early-ish months of my relationship, I was still clinging on somewhat to sweetness and innocence. Rest assured, all sweetness and innocence is all gone now, but at the time bondage seemed a tad more scarier than it did exciting.
Everything changed when I won a LoveHoney competition and won some rope! Of course, once we had this, we had to try it out. I'm not such a fan of rope bondage, to be honest. There's too much complication with getting the knots right and inescapable, as well as making sure there's not any blood supply being cut off anywhere. I might like to indulge in some shibari some day, but I think in reality it's just going to be too complicated. One day, perhaps!
Not too long after this, LoveHoney had a sale on on blindfolds, and were selling some off for 40p each. This was once again another case of having something thrust upon me in a way. I decided to buy one of these since I could see myself wanting a blindfold some time in the future so I was going to put it away. Even if I never used it, I wasn't going to miss 40p. The blindfold ended up very much like the rope though - once we had it we had to try it and I quite liked it.
Once bondage was becoming a more regular thing, I decided it was time for me to get some proper restraints so we didn't have to worry about the complications with rope. I eventually settled on a pair of Bondage Boutique soft handcuffs in purple. I don't really like purple, but I hate pink with a passion and they were the only two options. Other than the colour, I really like these handcuffs. They work really well. Perhaps I'm in the wrong kink here, but I have a really low pain threshold and I don't like pain, so I didn't want anything metal or too stiff. These handcuffs are really quite comfortable as well as being inescapable. Part of me is tempted to buy another pair of handcuffs in the future in a more sexy, matching colour, but since I'm normally blindfolded and it's rare I'm the dom I don't really get to see them anyway! Plus a good portion of my toys are purple, so I suppose they match. I'd quite like a pair of leather cuffs some time though.
We started off clipping these cuffs to each other or rope tied to the bed, but it still had the problem that the rope would come loose, so I made a trip to B&Q to buy some chain! This will remain one of my treasured memories. I guess they don't get too many people in there buying such short lengths of chain. The old guy who was cutting it for me asked me what I wanted it for, and I didn't do a particularly good job of blagging it. I wish I had it in me to just tell him that I would be using it for bondage. The chain did the trick though. I also bought two keyring rings and attached them to the end, so it's basically like a slipknot. Put the chain around the bedposts and through the ring, clip the handcuffs on and I can't escape. I love being able to pull on the chains really hard and there being no hope.
Sometimes I fantasise during bondage. Usually along the lines of evil _________ has kidnapped me and taken me to ____________ where he intends to have his way with me. Sometimes they're more mundane fantasies, other times I go nuts with it. Sometimes I imagine I've been kidnapped by a demon and he's having sex with me to impregnate me with his demon spawn! Sounds wacky, but it's quite kinky at the same time.
Sex during bondage is torturous. Sex is a really intimate thing for me. I like to be able to have my hands all over my boyfriend and look up at him. I don't like not being able to do that. We usually have the chains long enough that I can at least have my hands in his hair though.
We have tried to spice up bondage a little bit more, but I think the problem with bondage is that it's something you have to be in the mood for. It's not like sex where I'm not always up for it to begin with but I go with it because I know once it gets going I'll love it. Call me a slut, but I don't think I've ever said no to sex.
One time I asked my boyfriend to be really dominating and rough with me. I loved it! Should get around to doing that again some time, although being mistreated like that is something I really have to be in the mood for. I don't see my boyfriend often enough and I miss him so much that when I do get to see him I want cuddles and intimacy rather than being treated rough, even if it is in the name of kinkiness!
I've been wanting to try out some different positions with bondage too. There was one we tried where I was on my front with my hands handcuffed behind my back, but it didn't work so well. Eventually he ended up taking me from behind, if I remember rightly, and I asked him to undo my handcuffs so I could get myself into a more comfortable position.
I want to try chair bondage some time, although this is difficult since I'd have to go fetch a chair from downstairs (which I can't really do when there are family home). The chair in my room is an office chair so I'd be too worried it would tip over with me attached to it (not sexy!). I'd love to try standing up bondage some time, and I'd really love to try one of those swings or whatever equipment it is you'd need to get my legs up in the air! Sadly, at the moment it's not something I want to try badly enough to fork out a fair amount of money for.
I have tried tying up my boyfriend on the odd occasion, but it feels weird! I'm very submissive, and on the occasions when I've tied up my boyfriend I sit there thinking "okay, now what?" Women are different. We have tits and clits and holes and all sorts to play with. I don't know what to do when I've got my boyfriend there in front of me! I have used it on occasion to try things out without the pressure of him knowing beforehand or watching, which has worked quite well. I've also done this when I've bought him toys and have used them on him without him seeing them. Sometimes when I've tied him up I want to jump on top and have sex with him, but it's far too scary. When we have sex, it's always him who feels around for the hole and feeds the penis in, never the other way around. I'm sure it can't be that difficult, but there's probably a subconscious fear that I'll mess up badly and completely miss and crush his cock! There's also the issue that even when I'm on top during normal sex, he's always in control. I don't think I really have it in me to control the things he can't do if he can't see or use his hands. These are probably all issues that I should get over.
Lately we've been getting into spanking, if you can really call it that. It's more like slapping each other's asses until one of us gives in. I've yet to win one of these confontations due to the aforementioned low pain threshold. It's good fun though.
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