The next two vibrators I bought were the Bang Bang Bunny and the Ultra 7. I decided on the Ultra 7 because it had a lot of good reviews and had even won awards, so it couldn't be all bad. I'd actually heard the assistant in Ann Summers trying to flog their own version of it when I was there and it sounded alright. It was also a little slimmer than the first vibrator I'd had, and the shape less extreme. It seemed worth a try.
I was about to say I didn't remember why I chose the Bang Bang Bunny, but one of the things I love about this blog is that it brings stuff back to my memory that I'd forgotten about. When I ordered my first vibrator I got a copy of the LoveHoney magazine with it, and there was a code in the back to get a free one when you spent over a certain amount. I didn't realise at the time that the code had already expired by the time I got it (the magazine was a few months old) but by then I'd already set my heart on it so I bought one. I'm really glad I did.
These two vibrators are two of my favourites, for quite different reasons.
My boyfriend can work wonders with the Bang Bang Bunny. He is just magic with it. I'm not a fan of fiddly clit vibes, but my boyfriend can see what he's doing with this one and really work it in the right areas. It's also special in that it doesn't just vibrate, it has the little rabbit ears on it too. I really get off on movement on my clit so it really works for me. It sucks when I use it on my own because I don't have the patience for it, but my boyfriend is magic. I can't recommend enough, especially if you have a partner to use it on you. It's also a nice little first step into rabbit vibrators if you want to see what the sensations are like on the clit. Only thing that's not great about it is that it doesn't seem to want to work with rechargeable batteries, but I keep myself stocked up with pound shop batteries which provide more than enough power and seem to last a decent amount of time that it's not a drain on my finances.
The Ultra 7 was wonderful to begin with because it was the first time my boyfriend was able to thrust a toy in and out of me without the shape causing it to hurt. It's also got a few pulse settings and some of them are truly orgasmic. My boyfriend hasn't used this one on me in ages (maybe I should ask him to - we have our favourites to use when we're together and it's not often we stray from them), but it does great when it's just sitting inside me. One of the pulses makes it feel like it's being thrust in and out of me really hard and it's incredible. When I'm by myself, I pair it with the first one I bought and it's amazing. It seems to go in and out of fashion with me, swapping places with my rabbit from time to time, and every time I come back to it I'm amazed and wonder why I haven't used it in so long. I've recently entered this phase again, and I feel like getting down on my knees and begging for forgiveness that I left something capable of giving me so much pleasure away in my toy box for so long. Again, everyone should have one of these.
Now that I had a small collection of toys, it was starting to get about time I had somewhere to keep them. I headed into Wilkinson's and picked up a small tool box for just over £2, bought a padlock to put on it and voila! It's so sweet to think back to that original tool box and think how small it is. You probably couldn't fit even half of my collection into one of those now. Sometimes I go in Wilkinson's, looking to see if they stock any even bigger toolboxes, see that small toolbox on the shelf and go "aww, it's so tiny".
Some people are dubious about toolboxes like this, saying they're too obvious, especially when they're locked. It makes people suspicious. However, I have a few creative, messy hobbies that require paint an hot glue guns and all sorts of other mess, just the type of stuff that I would keep in a tool box! At least for me, it doesn't look out of place at all. I have another toolbox now, bigger than the first but still too small (currently on the lookout for something bigger but not found anything suitable yet). The beautiful thing I've found about my current toolbox is the compartments on the top which are perfect for keeping batteries in. It's also good because there is one on each side, and since I use rechrageable batteries I keep charged ones in one side and ones which need charging in another.
The other day (oh horror!) my mum came in to tidy my room. I was wetting myself she might get curious about it since it's not often she comes in, but I placed it on the floor rather than next to bed making it look like I wanted easy access to it, and when I came home I found she'd stacked a load of stuff on top of it, so it doesn't sound like she paid it any attention. I'm terrified that one day my parents will find out about my toys. There's not much more I can do than be vigilant about locking it and hoping for the best!
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