In this post I'm going to talk about my favourite "boyfriend" toys - the ones that I love having my boyfriend use on me.
I've already talked quite a bit about the Bang Bang Bunny, which is a toy I love when my boyfriend uses it on me. I don't have the patience for fiddly clit vibes, and I can't really see what I'm doing. I've never used a mirror to see because I find the sight of my own genitals a turn off (and yet, although only recently discovered, lesbian porn is the only porn I can watch without feeling a little grossed out). I sit in front of the mirror when I shave and think "God, is that really what it looks like down there? What does my boyfriend see in all this?" When I do clit stim on myself, I want a toy I can mash against my clit. I like to exert a fair amount of pressure on my clit, which I can't do with the Bang Bang Bunny. I do have a rabbit that is somewhat better for that, but that's another post since it's not a boyfriend toy. I do get off on movement on my clit alot though, and I've got high hopes for the Sqweel when I eventually get one.
Funnily enough, my two favourite boyfriend toys are two of the ones I didn't actually pay for! Well, for the most part at least.
My other favourite boyfriend toy was one I recieved as a gift. It is the LoveHoney Waver Glass Dildo. Again, my full opinion is in the review on the product page. I love the waviness and smoothness of this it feels wonderful. I had another glass dildo before this one which was textured but it ended up being too textured and uncomfortable. It was the first present my boyfriend ever bought me too, so I wish I could get more use out of it, but he bought it from my wishlist so it's my own fault really! Anyway, this glass dildo is really nice, although I suspect it's just the nature of glass dildos rather than this one being especially great (not that it isn't!). I'd love to try some more glass dildos some time, but since I can't really use dildos on my own they're not very high on my sexy shopping list. Any sex toy is very much appreciated as a gift though!
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