Monday 15 March 2010

Tongues and Nakedness (Getting onto the good stuff now!)

Things continued to advance between us. I was still quite shy but we were advancing quite quickly. I was inexperienced and embarrassed to move things on myself, but I'd regularly send my boyfriend texts (because I was too embarrassed to say these things to his face) that I wanted him to do something to me or saying I was ready for a certain step.

The day after we kissed, I decided I was ready for tongues. We talked about it the night before and was told that one touching their tongue against the other's lip was usually a good way to ask without interrupting a kiss, and touching tongues together was a good way to grant that permission. It's kind of funny to think how tentative it all was at the beginning, because now we don't think anything of just thrusting our tongues down the other's throat.

I don't really remember the first time we did tongues, but I do remember one of the times that day. His teacher had let the whole class go to the library, and since my lesson hadn't started yet, he texted me and we found each other. I quite clearly remember stood on the balcony of the top floor at college getting some tongue action in. I remember because all these lads came and watched us and were making noises like we were some kind of show, but neither of us cared. This was new and exciting and neither of us were going to let something like other people watching put a stop to it.

I remember being in his car with him quite clearly that night. We were doing tongues and I loved it. It was lovely the wet feeling but I felt kind of crap at it. It seemed scary and although I was enjoying it, I somehow found it impossible to move my tongue much. Thankfully I got better at it over time.

Lying in the car together on Tuesday nights became a regular thing. We used to put the passenger seat down and lie one on top of the other, changing positions when it got too much for one of us. I kept a hairband on the zipper of my bag to tie my hair back with so it wouldnt get in the way when we were kissing. One time he took his shirt off in the car and it was absolutely magic.

We hadn't been going out too long before he suggested he come to my place on our shared day off from college. I was really glad he did because I probably wouldnt have gotten up the courage to ask him over for ages yet. Although my parents had met him before we were together, it still seemed scary bringing him over. I don't think I would have been able to get up the courage to go to his house, not at that point.

So, he did come over. We went up into my room, but at this point I had no lock or anything on my door, so I'm guessing we must have just left it that way. I do remember him taking his shirt off and it feeling magic once again, and after a while we went under the covers because he was getting cold, shirtless as it was.

It's sad that in my house I had to take such measures, but after that I bought some rope to tie around my doorhandles to stop other people coming in, and not too long after that I bought some fabric to hang over the gap between my two doors to stop other people in. It was necessary - my youngest sister got a knife and slotted it between the gap and tried to cut through the rope. I dont know if she thought she'd actually get in or if she was just trying to wind us up.

As time went on, clothes started coming off. One day he asked me to take my top off, and I did (it was lucky that I'd randomly decided to shave my armpits that morning, because up until then my philosophy on shaving was don't bother if nobody else is going to see it. Had I not shaved that morning, I wouldn't have). That skin to skin contact was amazing.

I don't know how long we'd been together, but one day we were lying in bed and he asked me if I was ready to take my bra off with him yet. I replied "Not yet..." and he didn't pursue it any further. I instantly thought to myself why did I say that?!? I was ready for that step. I hadn't thought about my answer before I'd just said I wasn't ready yet. I spent the next five minutes trying to get up the courage to take my bra off. Eventually I managed to ask if he wanted me to take my bra off, and he replied only if I felt ready for it. So, the bra came off. It felt incredible.

He was stroking my boobs, although I wanted him to play with them more. I hadn't realised at the time that the positions we were lying in gave him access to approximately one square inch of my boobs. When I eventually said whatever it was that I said that made him tell me he didn't have access, I rolled over so he could have all of my boobs.

I suppose this would have been the first time he sucked my nipples, although I can't remember. This blog has made me realise that I can't remember the first time he did alot of the things that became a staple of our bedroom lives! How terrible. For a good while after he started sucking my nipples I didn't get much out of it. It was weeks, maybe months before my nipples got used to being stimulated and I could really enjoy it. I love it now though, if not for the actual stimulation then the naughty look on his face when he's doing it!

I don't know if it's something a lot of other couples do or if it's just something he does, but he likes to lick my nipples and then blow on them so they're really cold, then taking the whole thing in his mouth and the sudden warmth is too much for me.

I suppose it'll be a test of how regularly he checks back on this blog, but it was actually more torturous when he first started doing it. He tries to make it worse now by blowing on it for too long trying to make it colder, but to tell the truth he blows on it so long that his spit dries up and it stops being so cold. He'd be better off doing like he did when he started off - giving it a quick, strong blast and then jumping in again. I guess I'll see what happens next time we're in the bedroom together ;)

Later, there came a big step when we both made the agreement that we were going to take our trousers off together, and we were lying in bed with just our undies on. At some point I ended up lying on my back with him on his side next to me, running his hand up and down my front. I don't know if he started that way or if he liked his chances as he went on, but I became aware that he was dangerously close to the top of my panties. It felt good, and I subconsciously opened my legs a little. The next thing I know he's fingering me through my pants. It was incredible. My heart was beating so hard inside me. Not especially fast, but definitely hard. I remember looking up at him and he was just looking down on me smiling, looking down on my like some benevolent god of sex.

It felt great, but I was ready to move onto the next step. After a few minutes I started trying to get up the courage to slide my pants down and let him get direct access. After several more minutes I did. It was great, although to tell the truth I preferred it when it was through my panties at the time. It points to my taste in vibrators now - I prefer big chunky vibes that I can use to put pressure on a wider area.

Eventually he stopped because his hands were hurting, and he told me that if I wanted any more then he'd be using his tongue next time, then he lay down again. I lay there for what seemed like ages willing him to do it with his tongue. I wanted it so badly. Luckily it wasn't long before he was up again and down in between my legs, but with his tongue this time. It was pure brilliance. Even after everything we've done since, oral remains my favourite and I don't get anywhere near enough of it.

It was fantastic, but there were several bits where he got pubes in his mouth lol. This had been completely unexpected so I'd done nothing to tidy myself up or get myself especially clean or any of the things I sort of take as a given now. I remember kissing him later on when it was time for him to go home. It tasted...strongly.

We talked that night on MSN about how brilliant and unexpected it had all been. He mentioned the term oral sex and it was completely unbelievable. It didn't seem quite so big when it had just been him licking me, but oral I hadn't thought of it that way.

The following night I spoke to him on MSN again. He'd spent the day at work with an aching hand, wondering if you could get RSI from fingering someone.